On-demand Deliverables
Documents, artifacts, templates, processes, and more...
Every project has needs that are specific to the organization. We are here to help by giving you that specific project collateral that your project needs, right now. Our "on-demand deliverables" service covers everything from simple marketing copy for a 30 second radio ad to complex project documentation for mission-critical software. Our most important contribution is giving you exactly what you need more efficiently than anyone else. Period.
We have samples of every type of deliveralbe you may need. Just ask us for what you need! Some examples of what we can supply include:
- Marketing collateral and web content for your start-up
- Branding your band, film festival, live performance, or other creative event or production
- creative copy for your online advertising presence
- Training materials or presentations
- Official Policy documents that reflect the latest standards for legal compliance issues, like PCI-DSS or SOX
- Standard operating procedures, process improvement flows, policies and best practice deliverables
- Project Management, Business Analysis, or technical artifacts for your large scale projects
We find and fix the gaps in your project, turning danger into success. We work with your PMs, BAs, Marketing folks, IT departments and other relevant teams to supply the highest quality, on-demand deliverables you need.
Technical Writing, Business Communication, Copywriting and Editing
We are certified technical writers and copywriters with decades of experience creating everything from software programmers' guides to radio ad copy. We are authors, editors, and documentation gurus who apply our on-demand deliverables strategy to your documentation needs. We have worked with small one-man operations, building web site copy and business plans, to Fortune 500 companies where we designed entire product and service documentation suites for publication to literally millions of customers.
Examples of our work
A requirements document we did for the State of Texas. A data flow diagram we did for the State of Texas.Some of the Programmer's Guides, REST API References, XML References, and other work we authored for Cisco:
Cisco DevNet: https://developer.cisco.com/collaboration
SSO Overview: https://developer.cisco.com/site/sso/
SSO Tutorial (authored in Markdown): https://developer.cisco.com/site/sso/#cisco-unified-communications-single-sign-on---tutorial
SSO example use: https://communities.cisco.com/community/developer/blog/2014/12/11/cisco-unified-communications-singe-sign-on-for-apis
AXL Dev Guide: https://developer.cisco.com/site/axl/develop-and-test/documentation/axl-developer-guide-v11.0/
Webex release notes: https://developer.cisco.com/site/webex-developer/develop-test/xml-api/reference/release-notes-9-0.gsp
UDS: https://developer.cisco.com/site/user-data-services/overview/
UDS Dev Guide: https://developer.cisco.com/site/user-data-services/develop-and-test/developer-guide/#overview
Extension Mobility: https://developer.cisco.com/site/extension-mobility/overview/
How about some fun? Like a Walking Dead crossbow commercial?
I am Daryl Dixon's CrossbowAudio production
Here's a random example of on-demand deliverables. Do you need a 30 second voice ad? Do you have very little time and almost no budget? Listen to this: Contact UsOur On-demand deliverable template library alone includes...
Initiation Templates
Here are some project management templates which help you initiate projects by defining the business case, undertaking a feasibility study, completing a project charter, recruiting the project team and setting up a Project Office. The following initiation templates are included:
Business Case
Feasibility Study
Project Charter
Job Description
Project Office Checklist
Phase Review Form
Planning Templates
After defining the project and appointing the project team, you're ready to enter the detailed Project Planning phase. This involves creating a suite of planning documents to help guide your team through the Project Life Cycle. The following Planning project management templates are included:
Project Plan
Resource Plan
Financial Plan
Quality Plan
Risk Plan
Acceptance Plan
Communications Plan
Procurement Plan
Tender Management Process
Statement of Work
Request for Information
Request for Proposal
Supplier Contract
Tender Register
Phase Review Form
Execution Templates
Execution is the phase within which the deliverables are physically built and presented to the customer for final acceptance. While each deliverable is being constructed, a suite of management processes are undertaken to monitor and control the deliverables being output by the project. These processes include managing time, cost, quality, change, risks, issues, suppliers, customers and communication. The following Execution project management templates are included to help you to execute projects successfully:
Time Management Process
Timesheet Form
Timesheet Register
Cost Management Process
Expense Form
Expense Register
Quality Management Process
Quality Review Form
Quality Register
Change Management Process
Change Request Form
Change Register
Risk Management Process
Risk Form
Risk Register
Issue Management Process
Issue Form
Issue Register
Procurement Management Process
Purchase Order Form
Procurement Register
Acceptance Management Process
Acceptance Form
Acceptance Register
Communications Process
Project Status Report
Communications Register
Phase Review Form
Closure Templates
Project Closure involves releasing the final deliverables to the customer, handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing project resources and communicating project closure to all stakeholders. The last remaining step is to undertake a Post Implementation Review to identify the level of project success and note any lessons learned for future projects. To help you through these critical closure steps, we provide the following templates:
Project Closure Report
Post Implementation Review